
10 Foods That Fight Arthritis

August 1, 2015

With no available cure for arthritis, management of the disease can be difficult and toxic with the many different drugs on offer for pain and treatment. With a little attention to diet, arthritic symptoms can be relieved or improved through reducing inflammation and improving the immune system. Adding the following foods to your diet or increasing your intake within your balanced diet may assist in easing your symptoms:


Omega 3 fatty acids are well known to fight inflammation and improve joint mobility. Taking regular fish oil tablets is great at a minimum, but you can’t beat the nutrient-packed fresh fish option.


Extra virgin olive oil contains an ingredient called oleocanthal which carries similar properties to anti-inflammatory drugs. Increasing use of this oil in your cooking, as well as other oils with benefits such as avocado oil and walnut oil, is great for osteoarthritis sufferers.


While indulging in too much full-fat dairy is not beneficial to your health, enjoying low fat dairy products such as yoghurt, milk and cheese will add a good hit of calcium and vitamin D to your system, both promoting strong bones and an improved immune system.

Green tea

Green tea has long been consumed for its many health benefits, but for those with arthritis, this versatile beverage contains a large amount of antioxidants believed to reduce inflammation. Drink for the antioxidants and enjoy the many other side benefits green tea offers.


While different nuts offer different vitamins and benefits, they are generally high in magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin E and an acid to boost your immune system.


This potassium rich fruit is a good source of vitamin B6, folate and vitamin C, all arthritis fighters and good for improving your immune system.

Whole Grains

Choosing less refined breads and pastas will not only lessen the sugar in your diet and provide a great hit of fibre, but wholegrains are also shown to reduce the levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker in the blood.

Leafy greens

Spinach, kale, broccoli and other dark greens have been shown to prove that foods high in vitamin E can help protect the body from pro-inflammatory molecules. They also have the added benefit of being high in other nutrients like calcium and iron.


Studies are increasingly showing that soy products like soy milk and tofu include isoflavones, which can help lower C-reactive protein and inflammation levels, particularly in women.


The deep red color of this vegetable gives an indication of it’s rich antioxidant properties. Beets and beetroot juice have been shown to reduce inflammation and offer the added benefits of fighting heart disease and cancer.

While inflammation is and will always be part of the body’s healing system, when it gets out of control it can be debilitating and frustrating. Ensuring your diet is balanced and includes fresh produce rich in vitamins and natural benefits will also assist in weight management, a large factor in pain increase in arthritis patients. Add these foods to your plate as much as possible, stay active and live well!

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