education Health

Back Pain May Impede on Your Line of Work

February 22, 2023

The Real Cost of Back Affliction on Your Career and Finances

CSA Medical Supply is thrilled to help provide education and convenient solutions for your well-being. Together, we can alleviate issues, like back pain, through remedying solutions and a variety of medical supply products, helping you find relief.

Back pain can derive from an array of conditions including genetic factors, accidents, poor posture, lifting technique, and even sitting for extended periods of time.

Back pain can lead to a loss of work and negatively impact careers and life in several ways:

1.            Absence from work: Back pain can cause individuals to miss work, leading to decreased productivity and potentially affecting their job performance and future prospects.

2.            Reduced physical capacity: Back pain can limit an individual’s physical ability to perform their job, making it difficult to carry out tasks effectively.

3.            Mental impact: Chronic pain can also lead to emotional distress, depression, and anxiety, which can impact an individual’s ability to focus and perform at work.

4.            Long-term impact: If left untreated, back pain can become a chronic condition, leading to long-term disability and potentially affecting an individual’s career prospects and overall quality of life.

Therefore, managing and treating back pain is important to avoid these negative consequences and maintain a healthy and fulfilling career and life.

The Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University has provided data from The Center of Aging Society to help us discern how back pain affects millions of Americans and essentially their career and financial stability. Regardless of age or industry, back pain is detrimental to all individuals and incomes, alike.

Not only can back issues have a direct effect on your physical well-being but your mental health as well. The Health Policy Institute claims One in four adults with back pain is in fair to poor physical health.
Looking at adults without back pain, a greater number of adults with any type of back pain reported fair to poor mental and physical health. The proportion of adults reporting this issue: 25%- is more than double of those without back pain, at only 11%.  (See Figure 1).

Nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain and it is the number 1 leading cause of work-loss days. The figure below shows data on adults with back pain compared to adults without back pain. The percentages display a significant increase for those with back pain and the amount of work they missed within the past year. Not only can this lead to work limitations, but also cause result in lower earnings for those who deal with back pain.

Wearing a back brace or support can help prevent the risk of injury to your back while reducing the pain and discomfort that you may already suffer from daily. Managing your back pain can help you take the next step in taking control of both your recreational life and career.

Find relief, alleviate your symptoms, and improve your health with our high-quality braces and supports at CSA Medical Supply.

Aspen Contour™ TLSO SPK Complete
Aspen Vista 627 Lumbar Support
Drive Medical Extreme Comfort Back Cushion with Lumbar Support

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