
5 Stretches To Relieve Lower Back Pain

August 1, 2015
5 stretches to relieve lower back pain

Lower back pain can be as frustrating as it can debilitating, ranging from muscular to skeletal issues that can be either a nuisance or a large obstacle to getting on with daily life. Ensuring your core is as strong as possible and having the discipline to perform daily stretches can really assist with long term pain relief in your lower back.
There are many simple and quick stretches and back pain exercises that can provide instant or long term relief for lower back pain. Here are our top five suggestions:

1.) If you have an office job and find yourself sitting in your chair for 7 or 8 hours in a day, your lower back will take on constant pressure and without proper care, you can end up with a tight, pulling pain at the bottom of your spine. A great way to relieve yourself of this stiffness at the end of the work day is to do half an hour of gentle, stretching or yoga. If you don’t have the time, space or inclination to regularly practice yoga, one particular stretching position will stretch out your back and relieve your pain in under a minute. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and the soles of your feet together. Lean forward and press your knees down gently towards the floor with your elbows and remain there for 30 – 40 seconds, breathing steadily. Straighten and repeat this process up to 5 times and you will find your back tightness is relieved and the mobility assists with your lower back pain.

2.) A great lower back pain exercise for the morning if you wake up with stiffness is the single knee to chest, which will open up your hips and release the tension in your lower back, resulting in increased mobility. Lying on your back on the floor or flat surface (avoid doing this on your bed), stretch your legs out straight and relax. Pull one knee up towards your chest and hold with your hands, making sure to keep your hips relaxed and your other leg flat on the floor. Hold this pose for 10 seconds, then switch to the other leg. Repeat this 5 times.

3.) Some people may find it difficult to execute the single knee to chest exercise, particularly those with knee problems or osteoarthritis. If this is the case, a great low impact stretching option is a lumbar rotation which will gently ease any tension in the lower back without difficult movement. Simply lie on your back on the floor or flat surface and pull your knees up to where they are comfortably bent but your feet are still flat on the floor. With your knees together, slowly let your legs fall to one side to where you can feel a comfortable stretch. Hold this for 10 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. Do this stretch 5 times on each side.

4.) The best way to keep your spine mobile and prevent pain is to ensure you’re regularly moving about and stretching without injuring yourself. While hard at work either sitting or standing, it’s easy to forget to take care of your back until it’s too late. A good rule of thumb is to add a speedy stretch to any restroom break, morning or afternoon tea and lunch break. A fast, easy stretch that doesn’t require space to lie on the floor is the standing flexion stretch. Simply stand up straight with your hands by your sides. Gently lean to one side, sliding your hand down the outside of your thigh as far as you can without pain. Reverse the process to return to the standing position and repeat on the opposite side. Doing this stretch with five repeats just a few times a day can prevent lower back pain.

5.) A helpful stretch which will also strengthen your muscles is known as prone on elbows. A good option just prior to sleeping, this stretch will both relieve lower back pain and also provide the mobility needed to avoid future tension and pain. Lying on your stomach, gently prop yourself up on your elbows, keeping your back relaxed. Hold for two seconds then slowly lower yourself back down. Repeat 10 times, pushing yourself slightly higher if possible, as long as the exercise remains pain free.

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